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"Washington Post" May 10, 1999,

section "Wold News", page A16

(I called Wash.Post, they told me that this is a paid advertisement)

The 20th century is probabiy the bloodiest, most violent century in mankind's history. it ends with murder, terror, genocide in Kosovo Just as it began with the same in Russia. The reason that Serbs leel free to exterminate people at the end of the century is because the original exterminators - the Russians - were never punished nor even criticized for their crimes.

"Political correctness" blames crimes against humanity on individual leaders or ideology. So recently, Bill Clinton and Madeline Aibright accused Slobodan Milosevich of murder an(i ethnic cleansing In Kosovo. But Bill, Slobodan was in Belgrade and probably hasn't personally killed a single Kosovo Albanian. The killing is done by Serbian men who Madeline called "good people." Serbian men, who have families, sisters, wives, and grandparents in Serbia, are murdering unarmed men, raping, looting, burning in Kosovo, and Madeline Aibright and Bill Clinton being "politically correct" are calling them "good Serbian people."

By the same sick logic then, the murder of 100 million people this century in Russia was supposedly (lone only by Lenin, Stalin, and the communists, and not by the "good Russian people." The truth is that to kill that many, all Russians participated. Some leader gave the orders, but the actual killing was done willingly and enthusiastically by the whole Russian people. The guns were in the hands of the common Russian in Russia Just as they are today in the hands of the common Serb in Kosovo, and no amount of "political correctness" can hide this. In fact, these unpunished crimes by the Russians at the start of this century are the cause of all the evil that followed.

By 1938. the Russians had already killed with impunity tens of millions of unarmed people. Seciug Ibis, hitler decided on the Holocaust, for after all, hadn't the Russians Just killed five million Ukrainians without a complaint from anyone?

The modus operandi also points the finger at the Russians as the teachers and example setters. In 1938. of the 230,000 Latvlan~ living in Russia at that time, the Russians killed 73,000. almost all of the men ages 16 to 70. In 1992-95 in Bosnia, their cousins, the Slavic Serbs, killed mainly unarmed men culminating with the massacre of almost all (7,000) males in the city of Srebrenice (1995). Thday, in Kosovo, again the Serbs are killing unarmed men. The Russian teaching is that genocide is most easily achieved by only kililug % of a population (i.e., the men 16 to 70) 50 as to eliminate workers and fathers. The Russians themselves have practiced this throughout this century, most recently in Chechnya, but their efiorts at genocide are closest to being successful In Latvia. The Serbs see what Russia has accomplished in Latvia, and are trying the same thing in Kosovo. l)estniction '.111(1 l('v('iing of whole villages was done by the teachers-the Russians in Latvla and Chechnya-and by their pupils, the Serbs, in Bosnia and Kosovo, and Sadam Hussein and the Iraquis in Kurdistan.

It is now clear that the time of "political correctness" has ended and the time for truth, morality. and justice is here.

The Serbs must be thrown out of Kosovo. All those who served there after February 1998 should receive 30 years to life in prison for genocide.

Then we must go back to the source of all evil and eliminate It, and this is in Russia. Russia cannot be allowed to continue as is, but because of its nuclear, chemical and biological stockpiles the solution for Russia is the world's greatest "buyout." Give every Russian man, woman, and child $100,000 to leave Russia and the previous Soviet Union territory forever. A small, Switzerland size "mini Russia" would remain around Moscow for 10 million Russians to preserve the RussIan language. There are 125,000,000 Russians in Russia and 2F).000,000 in the rest of the previous Soviet Union. So 140 million would have to leave. This woIIl(i cost a total of 14 trillion dollars. Since no Russian would want to stay, lots would have to be drawn for the 140 million places.

This money is to be raised by selling the land and resources of Russia to those who would then emigrate to the empty lands and form new countries there. There could be a side deal for Eastern Siberia of which the USA could buy as big a piece as it can afford (i.e., a new Alaska purchase). This has already been proposed by others Walter Mead-Council on Foreign Relations 1992 and John Ellis-Boston Globe 1998. A Finn, Jarma lielievara, has proposed that Finland buy back East Karelia, which was taken from them by Russia. Japan could buy the Kurile and Sahalin Islands.

Of course, countries like Chechnya and Dagestan would become independent countries and would not be included in the buyout. Some ground rules. No more than 5% Russians in any one country, so as not to corrupt it. Therefore, to the ITSA, no more than 14 million Russians.

The Russians get 30% of the money at time of immigration and 10% a year for the next seven years, for you cannot trust a Russian. Above woul(i assure that these aggressive, barbaric, shameless people will no longer commit crimes against humanity nor teach others to do so. Whether you believe that nature or nurture is (lominant, if the Russians remain together In Russia, then each gener~tlon gets both nature aIl(i nurture from the previous generation. If Mr. and Mrs. Hitler. together with baby Adolph, had emigrated to Des Moines, Iowa, there would not have b~,en a Holocaust. Let's protect the world and also the Russian people from the next Russian crime against humanity. l1et;s have the world's greatest "buyout."

Aivars Slucis, M.D. Alberta Lea, MN

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Rambler's Top100