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Rambler's Top100

The book was taken from the collection Early English Books Online.

    Book 1    Containing the years from the beginning of the World, or from the year of the Juliam Period 730 unto the third of Solomon, which is the 3702 year of the same Period.
    Book 2    Containing 484 years, from the fourth year of Salomon, which is the 3702 year of the Julian Period, to the death of Cyros, 4185 years of the same Period.
    Book 3    Containing the Times from the year of the Julian Period 4186 to 4430: or from the beginning of Cambyses, unto the beginnings of Ptolemy Philadelphus.
    Book 4    Containing the History of memorable affairs from the year of the Julian Period 4431 to 4713.
    Book 5    Containing years from the first of CHRIST to the Thirty fourth.
    Book 6    Wherein are contained the years from the 304 of CHRIST unto 491.
    Book 7    Wherein are contained the years from the 491 of CHRIST unto 641.
    Book 8    Wherein are contained the years from the 641 of CHRIST unto 1100.
    Book 9    Wherein are contained the years from the 1200 of CHRIST unto 1632.
    Book 10    Wherein are contained the years from the 1632 of CHRIST unto 1638.
    Geographical Description of the World   

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Rambler's Top100